The first thing you have to know is that university is a new world. Of course when you are watching american movies you think that university is a good occasion to clubbing and have fun. Maybe you think that it is as easy to work at university as high-school. Of course it is important to have fun because you can't forget that you have a life without school, however you have to know that you can't pass yours exams if you don't work at all. The secret of a successfull year is to work every day. Trust me when I say that it's not always easy. In fact teachers aren't here to tell you what to do. You have to work alone. If you have some dificulties to work alone you can organize groups of persons to work your lesson. Some people think it's more easy and less painfull to work with someone. If you can't work because of a lack of motivation you can go at university library. When you'll see all that persons who are doing hard work you'll think that you're not alone to work a sunny afternoon. If you have problems of money or if you have not found a flat yet you can ask the CROUS. And if the CROUS can't help you have to know that there are social workers at university. On the campus you have a helth center where you can go when you want. In the health center you can find doctors but also nutritionists or psychologists. If you have other difficulties or questions you have to know that your head teatcher is here to give you answers. I hope I helped you.